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The 4 habits of successful companies

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Modern companies must constantly update themselves if they want to maintain the competitive advantages they possess and grow substantially, this was stated by Susana Oliva, CEO of Big Foot , an agency specializing in consumer and market analysis.

“Growth for a company can be a luxury because in recent years the rules of the markets have changed and many of the advice of the classic business consultants no longer applies; the most innovative companies are those that know how to take advantage of changing market trends ", he mentioned in an interview with Entrepreneur .

Staying up-to-date is one of the most relevant competitive advantages that a company must develop. According to the agency, there are four habits that all companies that want to become successful must have.

1. Be attentive to the pulse of today
It is about knowing, knowing, feeling and understanding what is happening in the environment through the analysis of news, research studies and consumer trends.

"Many of the changes that occur in the market are due to advances in technology since the most popular products undoubtedly generate a strong cultural impact that transforms people's consumption patterns," said the interviewee.

It is essential to be attentive to market trends to know where consumption will move.

2. Generate a forward-looking vision
The only way to innovate is to have current intelligence that has multidisciplinary disruptive thinking and is aware of the future.

“When we talk about innovation it is important to 'keep an eye on the future', to understand what things are going to happen in the immediate future. This is achieved with specialized tools -such as market analysis-, specialized programs and listening to what people have to say, on social networks, for example ”, commented Susana Oliva.

This means that once you have an idea of ​​what the pulse of the moment is and where it is moving, you should have an action plan that responds to this demand.

3. Techy Is The New Sexy
Modern companies cannot anchor themselves on outdated methodologies if they want to grow, said the CEO of Big Foot. On the contrary, they must have a permanent culture in innovation and technology to make their processes more efficient.

Oliva recommends that the management of companies and marketing departments be very aware of the new digital tools so that they can produce responses to the market in a more agile way.

Do you want to grow your company? Invest in technology.

4. Be pro - entrepreneurship
Modern firms, those that are already in a state of greater evolution, must generate an internal culture of support for younger entrepreneurs.

“The entrepreneur has the advantage - over larger companies - of having great flexibility to respond to the context. Changes are happening more than ever and it is time to react to the market immediately, ”said Oliva.

In other words, it is important to create and support entrepreneurs within the company because they are the ones who are already thinking about the next innovation that will change the market.

What do you think the habits of modern companies should be?